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Our Story

THE KAILONDO FOUNDATION (TKF) was formed by the descendants of one of the greatest warriors/heroes in the Sierra Leone history, tersely, Kai Londo made history by exercising top-notch bravery and unmatched strength by fighting for his oppressed people and apparently emerged victorious in the far east of Sierra Leone (at a site called “Sakabu”) which warranted the inhabitants of the territory to name the town after him as “Kailahun” – meaning “Kai’s town”. It is on this backdrop that the Kailondo family based in but not limited to the United States, Sierra Leone and Liberia has decided to follow suit such that whatever help is given to people especially the less-privilege children and adults in order to enhance them a better life to the glory of God Almighty. The organization will positively impact the Kenema District and Sierra Leone at large through its calculated strives by using Education (Moral, Civic, and Academic) route to achieve its objectives. In this vein, it would

assiduously work with high level of uncompromised integrity, professionalism, patriotism and Godliness through its activities such as establishing Schools and other Learning Centres. Also, Public Lectures, Television/Radio programmes, Workshops, Seminars, so that our country gets a full measure of what it deserves as children of God. In this light, the long standing grievances of the masses due to direct and indirect bullying by those in advantageous positions that cause our diminishing value; complete lack of hope for the future; lack of self-trust, self-confidence, and self-respect not to talk of the international part of it will all be buried leading to a significant rise in better livelihood of households; a healthy Sierra Leone; a less or zero Burdensome-Sierra Leone to the International Community and above all a God-fearing & Eternally hopeful faction of God’s people.

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What We Do

A top-notch quality of Education at different levels such as Primary and Secondary Schools, Vocational Centre and a Nursing School. In the provision of learning service, a special consideration would be made for ‘persons with special needs’.

Why TEA Project?
The underlying concept of the TEA initiative is that, everyone should have the opportunity to attain the best quality of Education and to also have an equivalent or even more impact on the society, in that, in all walks of life, we execute our duties when serving the society and humanity with utmost care, professionalism and love. By achieving this, the world will be a better place for ALL of us.

We also operate a church where in people especially children and persons with special spiritual needs are encouraged to worship to gain salvation and by extension, to live a guided overall life.

Why ‘Church’?
Running a Church is key to our operations because of its unending benefits. In that, winning souls for God is the most selfless and rewarding thing (both Earthly and Eternal) to do.

Under this section, we would intervene in diverse ways such as Health, Agriculture and Social Aspects geared towards helping the needy and impacting the lives of our target beneficiaries for the best.

We do not want to limit our area of help to Humanity. So, once it is a felt-need and there are available resources to lend a helping hand, we will seize the opportunity to help.

What We Do
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Our Vision

That life is made ‘worth-living’ for humanity with enhanced continuity for future generations.

Our Mission

Reaching out to humanity with utmost love for a lasting positive and divine impact.

Our Goals

… to meet the needs of abused, neglected, and at-risk children across Sierra Leone. We recognize that when children don’t have equal opportunity for healthy growth and development, we put our future as a society at risk. We are aware that it takes one to help one to make a difference and that one starts with Shalom Rescue Foundation.


What We Do

We work to meet the needs of children and young people who deserve a better Education and hence a better life. We focus our efforts on the Enhancement of Quality Lives through Quality Education (academic, moral, social, civic, physical, financial, etc.) through the development and implementation of specialized programs, community outreach and sensitization. Our programs and services help those entrusted in our care to heal at their own pace and live a life they deserve: one filled with deep love in an environment of compassion and kindness.

Donate For Humanity

We encourage everyone of us to donate for humanity, owing to the Biblical Scripture of Acts 20:35 “I have shewed you all things; how that so laboring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.” We would all want a share of the blessings gained from giving.

$20,320 of $32,000 raised!

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Give Scholarship

We give scholarships to outstanding children in terms of academic performance, high moral values and other factors worth considering in order to encourage such children to keep being on the right track; also to encourage other children to emulate those children geared towards have a better society overall.

Why Donate?

We donate in order to be part of the reason why people in need get rescued in line with the divine mandate of being our brothers’ keeper and our sisters’ keeper.

We Save Lives

We save Lives especially in the preventative aspects through our School First Aid Kit Program, Feeding Program and holding life-saving and educational workshops, radio and television programs.